Meta Database Engineer

Currently plugging away at this certification on Coursera. I’m a data analyst by training, and wanted to become more full stack. This will definitely help me at my present workplace. I feel somewhat naked without Python, and my job uses GitHub for versioning.

Course TitleReview
Introduction to DatabasesReview
Version Control
Database Structures and Management with MySQL
Advanced MySQL Topics
Programming in Python
Database Clients
Advanced Data Modeling
Database Engineer Capstone
Coding Interview Preparation

I am also curious about this exclusive Meta job board, so I’ll be perusing and seeing its use.

Along the way, I’ll be taking the occasional independent Project and Guided Project through Coursera. It is pretty clear that the included courses are a nice guide, but they alone are not enough to be successful in the field.

Guided Projects I’m Doing:

  1. Python 101: Develop Your First Python Program – Review